Virtual events
and guided tours
Follow live on this page the guided and interactive tours of the exhibition Watt is Art.

26.03. 06:00 - 07:00 PM
Opening Session
with Sarah Kenderdine
Head of the Laboratory for Experimental Museology and Director of EPFL Pavilions: Amplifier for Art, Science and Society
with Maider Machado
Project Officer for the European Commission
Interview by Thomas Pfefferlé
Professor Sarah Kenderdine’s research is at the forefront of interactive and immersive experiences for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. A pioneer in the fields of digital heritage, digital museology, digital humanities and data visualisation, she is a regular keynote speaker at international forums. In addition to her exhibition work, she conceives and designs large-scale immersive visualisation systems for public audiences, industry and researchers. Sarah has been a Professor of Digital Museology at EPFL since 2017. She is also the Director of EPFL Pavilions, the EPFL’s art / science initiative.
Maider Machado has a PhD in material physics and her specialisations include photovoltaics, nanomaterials, glass and density functional theory. She has co-authored recent articles on the multifunctional characterisation of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and on sol-gel coatings on the cover glass of PV modules.

31.03. 06:00 - 07:00 PM
EPoG technology and performance
with Christophe Ballif
Director of the Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory (PV-Lab at the institute of microengineering (IMT) in Neuchâtel (EPFL) and Director of CSEM PV-center in Neuchâtel
Interview by Thomas Pfefferlé
Coloured and multi-functional product solutions. A unique and decisive chance for the European industry.
Professor Christophe Ballif is director of the Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory in Neuchâtel, which specializes in industrial research and technology transfer along the value chain of photovoltaics. Christophe and his teams have contributed to numerous innovations in the PV field and collaborate closely with companies in Switzerland and around the world. In 2016, Christophe received the prestigious Becquerel Prize for Outstanding Merits in Photovoltaics. The Becquerel Prize Committee wrote, “His passionate promotion of solar energy technology as the main electricity source for the future of humankind has contributed enormously to its acceptance by society.”

08.04. 06:00 - 07:00 PM
New architectural design standards
with Ángela Clúa Longás
Architect ETSAUN, Ph.D. EPFL
Interview by Thomas Pfefferlé
Designing Energy-Efficient Facades to Meet Energy Transition Targets
Architect Ángela Clúa Longás is a specialist in sustainable architecture with expertise on the development of high energy-performance façades. With a strong professional interest in project design with particular sensitivity to a building’s harmony, proportions and coherence, she is also a leading authority on aligning building standards and recommendations in Switzerland and beyond to the need for sustainable construction and energy efficiency. She earned a PhD from the EPFL with a research focus on designing energy-efficient facades to meet energy transition targets.

21.04. 06:00 - 07:00 PM
An era for transition
with Sophie Swaton
senior lecturer in Philosophy and Economy at the University of Lausanne
Interview by Thomas Pfefferlé
Which socio-economic system best supports the ecological transition?
Philosopher and economist Sophie Swaton is a lecturer-researcher at the University of Lausanne, and the co-author of Return to Earth (Retour sur Terre), a new book that sets out 35 ways to rebuild society in the decade ahead and to avert the accelerating ecological crisis. Sophie also chairs the ZOEIN Foundation, which aims to meet the upheavals in our world, particularly those caused by climate change and the collapse of biodiversity. She designed the concept of an Ecological Transition Income (RTE), an economic model aimed at paying an income to individuals in ecological or sociological professions.

23.04. 06:00 - 07:00 PM
Making art works
with compáz founders
Member of Be-Smart Consortium
Initiator of Watt is Art Exhibition
Interview by Thomas Pfefferlé
The impact of art, science alliance on society.
Behind compáz is three passionate personalities coming from different horizon. Laure-Emmanuelle Perret, Lats Kladny and Raphaël Pizzera seek to bring out the beauty of the environment, the interaction between man and nature, demonstrate that there is hope.
With Watt is Art Exhibition, solar energy can be seen as a new artistic medium that can stimulate creativity, compáz aims to promote PV technologies and contribute to changing mentalities by bringing an emotional dimension to them through artistic creation. Compáz is pushing art and technology to new heights in order to allow us to think about the new perspectives and challenges of our society.