Company Description
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) is an independent research foundation located in Norway at Kjeller and in Halden. IFE is in the forefront of several fields within international renewable energy research, safety, environmental-, petroleum- and nuclear technology with the mandate to undertake research and development, on an ideal basis and for the benefit of society. IFE develops new technological solutions for the industry and public sector in more than 30 countries. IFE's Isotope Laboratories have an extensive activity in the field of nuclear medicine and development of new radiopharmaceuticals. More than half of the projects IFE are involved in are also related to digitalization. Research on solar energy has been conducted for 20 years. The Institute was founded in 1948 and has about 650 employees.
Assets connected to the Be-Smart Project
In the Be-Smart Project, IFE will lead work package 3: Multifunctional Performance, Lifetime Reliability, Upscaling and Monitoring. IFE will be responsible for the overall management of WP3 and will perform technical/research tasks as well. The research will include reliability testing of full-size EpoG prototypes, development of fatigue analysis and soiling predictive models, and climate-specific assessment of EpoG’s aesthetics versus electrical performance. In addition, long-term monitoring, instrumentation, field performance analysis and diagnostics of a EpoG test setup in Norway will be done. Further analysis, tests and monitoring on a full size EpoG system installed on a building in Norway will be performed.