Company Description
Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF is a municipal enterprise, which is owned by Oslo Municipal. We are one of the country’s largest property managers with more than 900,000 square meters in the portfolio, consisting of day care centers, nursing homes, fire stations, drug-related housing and other municipal purpose properties. Our main goal is to be the leader in the development, construction and management of environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings.
Assets connected to the Be-Smart Project
Romeo A. Thomassen works for and represents Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF, Norway. He’s role as an active participant in the Be-Smart project will be to prepare, facilitate and put in order a new residential and/or commercial building project where an EpoG-system will be installed, monitored and optimized. Furthermore, as a follow-up of Task 3.5, he will provide guidance, support and inquire for the work IFE and CEA will do on the installation of the EpoG system in the selected project in Oslo, Norway.